Stream all of Folkstar's songs through your favorite online music service such as Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, and Pandora. Full albums Emotional Bootcamp, Loud and Clear, Treelines and Skylines, plus singles "Alone on Christmas," "Enjoy the Ride," and "Old North State" - click GO to hear them all right here.
Watch your favorite Folkstar music videos on YouTube such as "Into the Trees" featuring a dancing squirrel and raccoon; "Human" filmed at Farm Sanctuary; and "Alone on Christmas" re-discovering holiday cheer.
Find out where Folkstar is performing next. Live music is always better than listening to a recording so click GO to get the scoop on the next Folkstar concert.
Read every single word of Folkstar's meticulously crafted lyrics. Formed by two English nerds, Folkstar infuses meaning and style into each and every word.
Get yourself real Folkstar CDs with all the thoughtful artwork and printed lyrics. Feel the real thing in your hands and hear the music at real recorded quality. Purchase at your favorite retailer or through Bandcamp by clicking GO. You'll also find custom guitar picks, t-shirts, posters, stickers, and art prints.
If you’ve been debating whether to download our music (which is silly in itself because the album is AWESOME), we hope this will push you into the “Yes” column.
Until tomorrow, August 3rd, CD Baby is offering a special on album downloads. Normally they take a cut of download sales – we sell the album for $9.99 but only get $7.49 after they take their share (or $5.99 for the physical album*). However, through TOMORROW CD Baby will not be taking a percentage of download sales and we want to pass those savings on to you. You get the album for a few bucks cheaper and get the satisfaction that all of the money is going directly to us. So, download the album now at CD Baby for only $7.49! Please note that this applies to the download version only and not the physical album.
We’re also excited to announce that the video for “Cards and Letters” is just about finished and will be released soon! We’ve seen the almost-finished product and it looks awesome. Can’t wait to share it with you!
* In case you were deeply curious, CD Baby charges the least of all online retailers. Actually I think Bandcamp is cheaper for downloads, but they only do downloads. What I mean to say is, CD Baby is cheaper than the megaliths iTunes and Amazon. For physical CDs instead of downloads, hit us up directly and we only have to pay off paypal.
We went up to Durham on Friday to perform at the Girls Rock NC Camp, a week-long camp for girls ages 11-16. They also put on camps in Raleigh and Chapel Hill, with ages ranging from 7-16.
We weren’t sure what to expect but what we found there completely blew us both out of the water. First, the staff was super sweet and made sure we had everything we needed to give an awesome performance. It was a privilege to spend the day with awesome rocker girls who are also really great people. Heather McEntire from Mount Moriah was an energetic and compassionate ringleader and, if she wasn’t our hero before, she definitely is now!
The girls were attentive and incredibly smart. One girl came up to the stage area and asked if I would prefer a boom mic stand instead of the one provided. She went and got one AND set it up for me. I had no idea what a boom mic was until I was probably 20 years old! Despite the fact that they were obviously exhausted from a week of camp, everyone was respectful and attentive. They even clapped along to some of our songs! After our set, the girls had some great questions. Once again their maturity and ability to notice things was apparent. One aspiring rocker asked Sue about Sue’s tendency to tuck her pick into the pickguard on her electric when she’s not using it. The young guitar player was definitely taking notes for her own stage performances. Questions ranged from how to deal with stage fright to how often we practiced to where they can buy our music. These campers were the coolest girls ever!
Getting ready to perform!
The best part was watching THEM perform. The official performance showcase was not until Saturday, but their dress rehearsal was immediately after our session that afternoon and we were able to catch all of the bands on stage. This was the part I found mind-freakin-blowing: these girls (11-16, mind you) learned to play new instruments, formed bands and came up with band names, and wrote 2 songs within the span of a week. A WEEK! I felt like a major slacker, unable to remember the last time I was able to write 2 songs in a week. And don’t even ask how long it took us to come up with our band name…
One of the Girls Rock NC bands!
The level of enthusiasm and support for each other was perhaps the most touching part of the day. The girls cheered for fellow campers, and all of the bands had obvious camaraderie. After each band performance, Heather asked the rest of the campers for positive things about the songs they’d just heard, and there was no lack of responses. These girls were paying attention and positive! I wish there had been a camp like this when I was younger, but am so glad that it exists now for a new generation of fearless female rockers honing their crafts.
I am looking forward to getting involved even more with Girls Rock NC. As a musician and a human, I was moved. Friday was a day I won’t soon forget. True inspiration.
Well, it’s not the VERY beginning, per se. But it’s the start of some pretty cool things to come.
We’re going to be involved in a radio campaign in August and September that will result in some nationwide airplay, then we’re moving into licensing for TV, and right around that time we should be on tour out west. Big things, I tell you! Big things! For more details on our big promotional adventure, check out the scoop from our record label Karmic Fury Records.
Of course, we’re not forgetting about our super cool hometown of Wilmington. We’d like to offer up a huge THANK YOU to everyone who came and rocked out with us at The Juggling Gypsy. Thank you for hanging in as we all battled the heat and a few sound system problems early on. The result was an incredible evening: friends and hookahs and music and amazingness! A special thank you to Sean Richardson for joining us as the opening act and throwing it down acoustic style.
We also want to thank Girls Rock NC for rearranging everything this week so we will be able to come and perform for and talk to the campers in Durham tomorrow! We weren’t able to make it on Tuesday due to the fact that we both came down with some kind of a flu-like bug (in the summer? really?!) but we’re better now! In fact, we’re better than better! We’re super excited and ready to bring it! Exclamation points!!!!
Speaking of bringing…we’ll be traveling to Durham tomorrow with a bag full of new…
They come in two sizes and you can order both through the Folkstar store. While you’re there, pick up a CD, t-shirt, poster, or better yet get a killer deal when you purchase ONE OF EVERYTHING with our new bundles! Sweet!
Just wait until you see what we’ve got coming up next…