Stream all of Folkstar's songs through your favorite online music service such as Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, and Pandora. Full albums Emotional Bootcamp, Loud and Clear, Treelines and Skylines, plus singles "Alone on Christmas," "Enjoy the Ride," and "Old North State" - click GO to hear them all right here.
We hung out with the most awesome girls last week!
After the transformative experience of performing at Girls Rock NC for the first time last year (Kim gushed about it here), we were lucky enough to be asked back for another performance this year.
Girls Rock is an international organization with camps in different states run by female musicians. Not only do the girls learn new instruments, form bands, and write original songs which they perform at a local venue at the end of the week, but they also attend workshops on things like self-defense and body image. When we showed up to set up for our performance, they were crowded around a turn-table learning to DJ. Kick ass!

It was the end of the day, so our performance was short. But we were honored to play and answer their questions and hopefully instill a little additional awesomeness into their lives. The campers were the first people to see live performances of some of the songs off the new album, including “Loud and Clear”, “Trampoline”, and “Abolitionists”. It was exhilarating to play these songs live for the first time, and we were fortunate to have such an enthusiastic audience!
Afterward, we hung out with our very funny and very talented musician friend Emily Pakes. Rumor has it there might be a collaboration in the works very soon 🙂
There will be a lot of exciting things coming up as we prepare to release Loud and Clear, so bookmark this page and buckle in!
Keep listening and dreaming!